What Is The HVAC Duct Sizing Rule Of Thumb?

An HVAC system is a complex piece of equipment. There are several parts that come into play to make the temperature in your home just right while also providing you with the best air quality possible.
With that said, even if you purchase the best HVAC unit available it might get bottlenecked by some of the other factors like ductwork. This is where the HVAC duct sizing rule of thumb comes into play.
You probably might think that it’s redundant, after all, vents just expel air, however, your ducts play an important role in air distribution in your air conditioning system.
Keep on reading to learn what makes ducts a crucial link in your AC chain and what is the HVAC duct sizing rule of thumb.
Why Duct Size Matters
AC ducts are passageways that help your HVAC system eliminate the stale, and distribute fresh cool air.
How it works is quite simple – the plenum which stores the air is attached to multiple air ducts (there are usually two of these plenums in your system). First, the HVAC fills the supply plenum with air that gets expelled through the ductwork. This new air pushes the existing air into a different set of ducts that are connected to a return plenum.
Consequently, that air is expelled outside or filtered back into the system.
For this process to work perfectly, the ducts need to be the right size. If your ducts are too small, the air that your HVAC pumps will increase in pressure which will back up into the system. Over time, this will reduce the efficiency of your AC and its lifespan due to unnecessary resistance to the blower fan.
Bigger ductwork on the other hand can handle a lot of airflow, but if they’re too big for your HVAC they won’t distribute the air evenly through your living space and your unit will end up working too hard. This might shorten its lifespan and increase your energy consumption.
HVAC duct sizing rule of thumb can help you determine the exact size of ducts you need for your AC for it to operate most efficiently.
How to Calculate the Correct Duct Size
Calculating the exact size is an arduous task. One of the most used methods is the HVAC duct sizing rule of thumb. In fact, even professional AC contractors might use this method to size the AC ducts in your home.
According to this rule, you need to install an air conditioner of one-tonne capacity for every 500 square feet of the floor area of your residence.
However, we advise against eyeballing it because even though an HVAC duct sizing rule of thumb is a great start, there are many factors at play here. Additionally, this rule of thumb can vary depending on the home and the HVAC system itself. We recommend contacting an HVAC professional to get the exact size of the ducts you need.
If you prefer a more hands-on approach and want to do the process of sizing out your ducts yourself, there is another method that is a lot more precise. The problem is that it’s also very complex and requires some knowledge and serious brain power.
The formula will require multiple exact numbers, such as:
- Square footage of your home
- The size of your AC unit
- Airflow velocity
- Friction loss
- Your HVAC’s unit static pressure
As you can tell, there is a lot of technical talk (no one said it was going to be easy), so grab a pen and paper, your trusty old calculator and strap yourself in because it’s time to start crunching numbers:
1. Check the plate on your furnace to see how many British thermal units (BTUs) it produces. This number needs to be divided by 10.000.
2. Multiply that number by the airflow of your furnace which is measured in Cubic feet per minute (CFM). This number depends on the type of furnace: a natural draft furnace produces 100 CFM, an induced furnace produces 130 CFM, and a condensing furnace produces 150 CFM.
3. Divide this number by 10 and you’ve calculated the airflow that your HVAC unit permits.
4. Multiply the length of your ducts with the width to calculate the duct size. As an example, if the size of your vent is five by nine inches, the CFM is 45 per vent.
5. Divide the CFM per duct by the complete amount of CFM of the furnace.
6. Multiply the length of every room with the width to calculate the square footage of each room.
7. Divide the number of ducts by each room’s square footage.Generally, a room of about 100 square feet or smaller requires one vent. For bigger rooms, you might need upwards of 3 vents.
If this seems overly complex, you can search online for an online calculator made specifically for figuring out the correct duct size. Additionally, even programmed calculators can help you. There’s no shame in that, as many HVAC professionals use these tools along with other even more sophisticated gizmos to get even more reliable calculations.
Should You Go at This Alone?
You could, and we know that designing the HVAC system in your residence will make you feel amazing. However, even if you do these calculations yourself, we still advise you to consult an expert to at least confirm these calculations.
We’ve seen it a million times, one tiny mistake can end up costing you a lot of time and money.
The ducts are not to be taken lightly as they can drastically influence the comfort levels in your home, the lifespan of your HVAC unit, and most importantly, your energy expenditure. So in order to keep things running smoothly without spending a fortune on electric bills, make sure that you get this calculation appropriately done.
Everything Your AC Needs
Who would have thought that AC vents play such an important role in your HVAC system and in keeping your home cool? This is why you cannot afford any mistakes while sizing your ducts because let’s face it – do you want your unit to go bad or pay an astronomically high electricity bill?
The calculation is the hard part, so if you want to play it safe, we recommend you contact an HVAC company. They can send a professional to your address who can calculate the right duct size in record time.
After all, HVAC professionals have done the same calculation countless times and for them, it’s really second nature at this point.
If you don’t want to rely on HVAC duct sizing rule of thumb, and you don’t want to play a mathematician, contact Aztil AC for any air conditioning trouble you might have. We’ve got a team of experts who can help you size your AC ducts properly and help you get optimal airflow in your home.
Aztil AC is a company you can trust. We’re available 24/7 in Palm Beach, FL, and we can help provide you with everything your AC needs in record time, at an affordable price.
Call 561-559-2205 , or send an email to info@aztilac.com